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3 Pole Active Low Pass Filter Calculator

3 Pole Low Pass Filter
Input Output
Filter Type
3dB Cutoff Freq (Hz)
Resistors (K Ohms)
Resistors (K Ohms)
C1 (uF)
C2 (uF)
C3 (uF)

Active Lowpass Calculator:

1. 2 Pole Active Lowpass with Unity Gain

2. 2 Pole Active Lowpass with Gain

3. 3 Pole Active Lowpass Filter

Active Highpass Calculator:

1. 2 Pole Active Highpass with Unity Gain

2. 2 Pole Active Highpass with Gain

3. 3 Pole Active Highpass Filter

Active Bandpass Calculator:

1. 2 Pole Active BandPass Filter

2. 4 Pole Active BandPass Filter

3. 6 Pole Active BandPass Filter

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