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Optimization: Exhaustive Search Method

Exhaustive Search Method Opimization Algorithm in C

double myFun(double x);
int main()
 double a, b, N, y, x, x1, x2, x3, fx1, fx2, fx3, D,i=0;
 printf("Enter a:");
 printf("Enter b:");
 printf("Enter no. of N:");

 D = (b-a)/N;
 printf("D = %.2lf",D);
 if (i < 300)
  printf("\n\nx1 = %.2lf",x1);
  printf("\nx2 = %.2lf",x2);
  printf("\nx3 = %.2lf",x3);
  fx1 = myFun(x1);
  printf("\nf(x1) = %.2lf",fx1);
  fx2 = myFun(x2);
  printf("\nf(x2) = %.2lf",fx2);
  fx3 = myFun(x3);
  printf("\nf(x3) = %.2lf",fx3);
  if (fx1 >= fx2 && fx2<= fx3)
   printf("\nCondition met");
   goto end;
   printf("\nCondition not met.");
   x1 = x2;
   x2 = x1 + D;
   x3 = x2 + D;
   i = i + 1;
   goto jump;
  goto end;
 return 0;
 double myFun(double x)         // function definition  
    double y;
    y = ((x*x)+(54/x));
    return y;                  // return statement

Image of Exhaustive Search Algorithm
Exhaustive Search Algorithm


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