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VLSI: 4-2 Encoder Dataflow Modelling with Testbench

Verilog Code for 4-2 Encoder Dataflow Modelling

module encode_4_to_2(
    input d0,d1,d2,d3,
    output a0,a1
assign x = ~ d2;
assign y = x & d1;
assign a0 = y | d3;
assign a1 = d2 | d3;

//Testbench code for 4-2 Encoder Dataflow Modelling

initial begin
                             // Initialize Inputs
                             d0 = 1;d1 = 0;d2 = 0;d3 = 0;
                             // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
                             // Add stimulus here
                             #100;d0 = 0;d1 = 1;d2 = 0;d3 = 0;
                             #100;d0 = 0;d1 = 0;d2 = 1;d3 = 0;
                             #100;d0 = 0;d1 = 0;d2 = 0;d3 = 1;

VLSI: 4-2 Encoder Dataflow Modelling with Testbench


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