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4 Pole Bandpass Active Filter Calculator

4 Pole Bandpass Active Filter
Input Output
Filter Type
Capacitors (uF)
Center Freq (Hz)
3dB Bandwidth (Hz)
Voltage Gain
C1,C2,C3,C4 (uF)
R1 (K Ohms)
R2 (K Ohms)
R3 (K Ohms)
R4 (K Ohms)
R5 (K Ohms)
R6 (K Ohms)

Section 1 2

Active Lowpass Calculator:

1. 2 Pole Active Lowpass with Unity Gain

2. 2 Pole Active Lowpass with Gain

3. 3 Pole Active Lowpass Filter

Active Highpass Calculator:

1. 2 Pole Active Highpass with Unity Gain

2. 2 Pole Active Highpass with Gain

3. 3 Pole Active Highpass Filter

Active Bandpass Calculator:

1. 2 Pole Active BandPass Filter

2. 4 Pole Active BandPass Filter

3. 6 Pole Active BandPass Filter

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