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Verilog: VLSI Code for JK Flip Flop with Testbench Dataflow Modelling

Verilog Code for J K Flip Flop Dataflow Modelling

module JK_flipflop(
input j,
input k,
input en,
output q,
output qb
assign a = ~ ( qb & j & en );
assign b = ~ ( q & k & en );
assign q = ~ ( a & qb );
assign qb = ~ ( b & q & (~ k) );


initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
j = 0;
k = 0;
en = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here 
#100;j = 0;k = 0;en = 1;
#100;j = 0;k = 1;en = 1;
#100;j = 1;k = 0;en = 1;
#100;j = 1;k = 1;en = 1;
#100;j = 0;k = 1;en = 0;
#100;j = 1;k = 0;en = 0;
#100;j = 1;k = 1;en = 0;
#100;j = 0;k = 0;en = 1;
#100;j = 0;k = 1;en = 1;
#100;j = 1;k = 0;en = 1;
#100;j = 1;k = 1;en = 1;

Xillinx Output:

JK Flip Flop

JK Flip Flop Dataflow Modelling

Also See:List of Verilog Programs



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