
Showing posts from September, 2020


Verilog: NAND Gate Behavioral Modelling with Testbench Code

Verilog Code NAND Gate Behavioral Modelling module NAND_GATE ( input a, b, output out ); reg out; always @(a or b) begin if (a==1 & b==1) out = 1’b0; else out = 1’b1; endmodule //test-bench initial begin a=0; b=0; #100; //wait 100ns for global reset to finish //add stimulus here #100 a=0; b=1; #100 a=1; b=0; #100 a=1; b=1; end initial begin #100 $ monitor (“a=%b, b=%b, out=%b”, a, b, out); end endmodule Xilinx Output: NAND Gate Verilog Code Behavioral Modelling

Verilog: AND Gate Behavioral Modelling with Testbench Code

  Verilog Code AND Gate Behavioral Modelling module AND_GATE ( input a, b, output out ); reg out; always @(a or b) begin if (a==1 & b==1) out = 1’b1; else out = 1’b0; endmodule //test-bench initial begin a=0; b=0; #100; //wait 100ns for global reset to finish //add stimulus here #100 a=0; b=1; #100 a=1; b=0; #100 a=1; b=1; end initial begin #100 $ monitor (“a=%b, b=%b, out=%b”, a, b, out); end endmodule Xilinx Output: AND Gate Behavioral Response

Barcode Generator Tool Free

Free Generate Barcode using Javascript and HTML: Barcode Generator tool is an innovative tool to generate different types of barcodes. This tool made using Javascript, CSS and HTML. An ultimate tool to generate different type of barcodes. An interesting aspect of using this tool is that this tool can work even in offline mode. As javascript and css files are integrated inside HTML itself. You can generate different types of barcodes. Change the foreground and background colors, change the font style, change the font color, vary the size to barcode, size of font, etc. An interesting tool for javascript enthusiastic. Download the source code from the below given button and start exploring different types of barcodes !!  Watch Youtube Tutorial Video: Watch the Youtube video to see how the settings work, and feel free to modify the code. This is just the beta version, tasks to do: Implement a javascript to save the barcode on your computer. Barcode is generated in "svg" format.  ...

Verilog: OR Gate Behavioral Modelling with Testbench Code

Verilog Code OR Gate Behavioral Modelling module OR_GATE ( input a, b, output out ); reg out; always @(a or b) begin if (a==0 & b==0) out = 1’b0; else out = 1’b1; endmodule //test-bench initial begin a=0; b=0; #100; //wait 100ns for global reset to finish //add stimulus here #100 a=0; b=1; #100 a=1; b=0; #100 a=1; b=1; end initial begin #100 $ monitor (“a=%b, b=%b, out=%b”, a, b, out); end endmodule Xilinx Output: OR Gate Response

Applied Instrumentation GTU (Sem-1) - ME Instrumentation and Control (IC)

  1.  STUDY MATERIAL for Applied Instrumentation GTU (Sem-1) - ME Instrumentation and Control (IC) SEM 1: Subjects:  AIDC (Advanced Industrial Drives and Control) ISC (Intelligent Systems and Control) OTE (Optimization Techniques for Engineers) ESI (Embedded System for Instrumentation) IPR Click on the below given links to download study material: Syllabus Books Notes Study  Material Lab Manual Question Papers Assignments Sem 2: ME - Applied Instrumentation Click on the below given link to download study material: Sem 2 Folder   Subjects:  AVD (Advanced Verilog Design) ISI (Intelligent Sensors and Instrumentation) DC (Digital Control) ASPE (Advanced Signal Processing and Estimation) Disaster Management Also See: Optimization Techniques in C Verilog Programming Filter Designing


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